"Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" Ruins an Iconic Character (and it's Very CHEAP)

"Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" Ruins an Iconic Character (and it's Very CHEAP)

Here's how Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011) ruins an iconic character from High School Musical as a low budget cash grab. Shop my merch at: http://bit.ly/nickmerch
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Today we're diving into the spin off that nearly ended the High School Musical franchise, that almost completely ruins the iconic character of Sharpay Evans by changing every thing about her, and it's a very cheap money grab. Like most movies that take place in New York City but aren't shot there, this movie feels weak and unconvincing. As always, don't forget to like and subscribe! Become a member of my Patreon for exclusive bonus content and extras delivered every month! http://bit.ly/nickpatreon

Nick DiRamio
5419 Hollywood Blvd Ste C - # 430
Hollywood, CA 90027 USA

I'm Nick DiRamio (He/They), I publish witty/funny/sarcastic videos on all of my favorite things: pop culture, tv, lifestyle topics, toys, and comedy! Some favorite videos series I've created include Clip Breakdown, Trying Instagram Products, Toy Commercial Commentary, and commentary on the latest from thew internet. On this channel you will find a variety of content like reviews, reactions, analysis videos, and more! Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!

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