ECC Webinar - Contributions of Ethics Expertise to Clinical Medicine (feat. Dr. Jamie Carlin Watson)

ECC Webinar - Contributions of Ethics Expertise to Clinical Medicine (feat. Dr. Jamie Carlin Watson)

The world is full of experts. When our car breaks down, we consult a mechanic; when we've fallen ill, we make an appointment with our primary care physician. But, what does it mean to be an expert? Better yet, what does it mean to be a moral expert? When we face a moral issue or dilemma, who should we consult? Is there such a thing as a moral expert? In this Ethics Committee Consortium Webinar, Dr. Jaime Watson discusses his research on the concept of expertise, as well as themes from his latest book, Expertise: A Philosophical Introduction, and Moral Expertise: New Essays from Theoretical and Clinical Bioethics (co-edited with Dr. Laura K. Guidry-Grimes). Dr. Watson will be focusing specifically on the concept of moral expertise, and how it figures in clinical ethics and biomedical ethics.


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