How to talk about Asian American gender-based violence

How to talk about Asian American gender-based violence

When the coronavirus pandemic broke out early last year, Asian Americans shared the nation’s concerns over the impact of the virus on their physical health. But they also carried an added mental health burden, as they were blamed for COVID-19 and saw an escalation in hate crimes and hateful rhetoric linked to the pandemic. The Atlanta spa shooting in March was a high-profile incident that shed light on another struggle Asian Americans have been invisibly grappling with for a long time: gender-based violence.

On May 19, 2021 Ada Tseng, assistant editor of the L.A. Times utility team, and reporter Agnes Constante invited mental health experts and community organizers to discuss what we need to understand about Asian American gender-based violence.

• Anjali Alimchandani, PhD, MPP psychologist in private practice, advisory board member of the National Queer and Transgender Therapists of Color Network
• Lian Cheun, executive director of Khmer Girls in Action
• Manjusha Kulkarni, co-founder of Stop AAPI Hate and executive director of Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council

Los Angeles TimesLA TimesL. A. Times

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