Is the Textus Receptus Perfect in Every Jot and Tittle? | An Academic Lecture with a Surprise Twist!

Is the Textus Receptus Perfect in Every Jot and Tittle? | An Academic Lecture with a Surprise Twist!

The time has finally come for me to address the topic of New Testament textual criticism on my channel. I do it with some reluctance, to be honest. I hate to see Christians riled up by this complex topic. And I am fine with people using any of the major available textual options, as long as they don't build a doctrine to defend their choice and then condemn their brothers who've made a different one. The major texts available are just not that different (see the differences *and vast similarities* in English at my site,

But I get questions all the time from people coming from the KJV-Only world(s) who, it seems to me, sincerely want to know the truth about New Testament and Old Testament textual criticism. And I feel I can speak to them with special understanding, because I was them. So this video is a lecture delivered at Bob Jones Seminary in Greenville, SC, on Nov 1, 2021. The following Q&A is included.

Here is the text of the address:

Comments are closed for this video, because I will not debate textual criticism with anyone who insists on the exclusive use of the King James Version. If you wish to contact me privately about this video, however, feel free to use the contact form on my blog:

For those who wish to dig deeper into the topic of New Testament textual criticism, I have a list of recommended reading on all major sides of the issue here:

For those who wish to read the paper on NT textual criticism that I wrote for the Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal, the paper contrasting two editions of the Textus Receptus, click here:

The response to my (and others') work by Jeff Riddle is here: Note: I slightly misspoke in my talk; Riddle's post is not a direct response to my paper. Here is a screenshot of Riddle's post:

The response to my work by Peter Van Kleeck, Jr., is here:

0:00 Introduction from Seminary Dean Neal Cushman
1:19 Main Lecture
47:32 Q&A

textual criticismhenry ambrosef.h.a. scrivener

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