Despite many Distractions and a few Deaths, Nene’s Castle comes closer to Completion [hololive]

Despite many Distractions and a few Deaths, Nene’s Castle comes closer to Completion [hololive]

Nene Momosuzu plays Minecraft.

Original stream:

@Nene Ch.桃鈴ねね

In 2069, the Communist Republic of Canada commissioned an architect from Neo-Japan to build a giant bottle of maple syrup in the middle of Stanley Park. Having finally taken care of that pesky country to their south, the name of which has been meticulously expunged from the annals of the True and Irrefutable History of North [REDACTED], Canada was poised to become the world’s next superpower. On the 5th anniversary of the Glorious Sidney Crosby Revolution, the visiting architect, one ‘Nene Momosuzu’, landed via canoe in Vancouver after traversing the Pacific Ocean.

Offered unlimited funds and a workforce of highly educated and sufficiently motivated experts, all expected of her a marvel of unparalleled architectural genius and miraculous engineering. It shocked the One Leaf Party, therefore, when Nene refused all aid and took all responsibility upon herself for both the conception and execution of the Great Bottle of Maple Syrup.

In response, Canada’s highest official, the People’s Glorious Prime Minister, Trustin Jrudeau, paid Nene an in-person visit, and was subsequently never seen again. Construction began, and the foundation seemed suspiciously like a castle rather than a bottle of maple syrup. When asked about this, records state that Nene simply responded, “I need more terracotta for my castle!!!” The One Leaf Party nursed their suspicions, but ultimately did not have enough proof that Nene was building a castle and not a giant bottle of maple syrup.

Shortly after, Nene disappeared for seven months. Coincidentally, several Canadian glaciers became severely depleted and a bridge of ice spanning the Pacific was seen via satellite. Worse yet for the ideology of the One Leaf Party was a new variant of capitalistic enterprise spearheaded by the new fast-food chain ‘NcDonalds’ which had sprung up in the province of New Alberta (formerly Texas).

Nene returned to little fanfare as the government poured vast resources into the Not-Propaganda Department to combat the rising capitalistic sentiment in their newly acquired territories. When she completed the second layer of her castle, the political landscape had completely changed.

In 2086, the Communist Republic of Canada was no more. The continent was under the monopoly of the United Ninja Air Fryer States of American Express, brought to you by Pampers in collaboration with Sony, a Disney-Marvel motion picture (UNAFSAEPSDM, for short). Benefiting from the privatization of all assets, material and spiritual, Nene re-dubbed her project, ‘Nene’s Cassole’, and continued to work on it alone for many years.

On the eve of the heat death of the universe, Nene planted a flag upon the top minaret of her completed castle. She looked down from the ramparts upon the unmade, unmoving universe, a smug smile playing across her lips. She snorted in derision and contempt at all things ephemeral. She looked out into the black void and mused thoughtfully.

“I think I’ll build another one!!!”


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