A Witch Cursed My Life, how could she

A Witch Cursed My Life, how could she

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Hi, I’m Brick.

I consider myself to be a pretty attractive guy but for some reason, the girls in my school didn’t feel the same way.

I was a few months away from graduating high school and I had never dated anyone. I didn’t know what it felt like to be kissed because I had never been kissed before.

You think that’s crazy? Wait till you see what happens at the end of this video!

I never thought of this as a bad thing until I got in an argument with Sandra, the most beautiful girl in my class. She had torn my class notebook and when I told her to go get it fixed, she told me that it was simply a mistake and I should go get it fixed myself.

This really annoyed me, why should I fix a notebook you spoiled – *sigh*. I insisted that she must fix it and as she picked the book from my desk, she murmured something. I didn’t hear her clearly so I asked her to repeat it.

“This is why no girl likes you!” She screamed. “You’re so mean and uncool and I’m sure that nobody would ever want to press their lips on such mean lips!” She put the book in her school bag and angrily walked away, slamming the door behind her.

Wow, I thought. No girl likes me?

For the first time in my life, I felt like a total loser.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes, I didn’t want anyone to see me crying because it would ruin my reputation so I had to hide somewhere. I dashed straight into the first open door I could see, it turned out to be the Janitor’s supply closet.

I had slightly brushed someone’s shoulder with mine during my short sprint for the Janitor’s closet but I didn’t even care. I backed into a corner and wailed. It was so loud that I hoped and prayed that students walking on the other side of the door wouldn’t hear my pathetic voice.


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