(3X MAX!) °° Narrow Feminine Skull Subliminal °°

(3X MAX!) °° Narrow Feminine Skull Subliminal °°

This Subliminal Is Guaranteed to give you results in One day!!
Here are the affirmations:

I have a narrow skull
I have a thin feminine face
I have narrow cheekbones
I have high cheekbones
I have slim cheeks
I have hollow cheeks
I have 0% face fat
I have a long chin
I have a narrow temporal bone
I have a narrow mandible
I have a narrow maxilla
I have a pulled forward mandible
I have a pulled forward maxilla
I have a feminine face
I have a narrow face shape
I have a V shaped jaw
I have a sharp jawline
My jawline is perfectly symmetrical
I have a defined ramus bone
I get super fast subliminal results
I notice my subliminal results everytime i look in the mirror
I have 0% submental fat
I have no fat on jaw, neck, chin and overall face.
My face looks perfect in every angle
I look like a supermodel
I look so pretty
I love my face
I have my desired face
I have a long oval face
I am getting results faster than light
I notice my beautiful feminine face
Everyone notices my beautiful feminine face


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