Resep Baceman Bawang PUtih | Fermented Garlic | Easy and practical

Resep Baceman Bawang PUtih | Fermented Garlic | Easy and practical

Alat :

Cobek atau Ulekan
Wadah dan tutup

Bahan :
250 gr Bawang Putih
8 butir Kemiri
5 sdm minyak wijen + 250 ml minyak goreng, dicampur diwadah

Instruksi :

- Cuci bersih bawang putih dan kemiri, lalu keringkan (benar-benar kering)
- haluskan dengan cobek atau ulekan atau kalau mau bisa langsung diblender
- masukkan kemiri yg sudah terlebih dahulu dihaluskan dgn ulekan, kemudian tambahkan bawang putih dan tuangkam campuran minyak wijen wijen dan minyak sayur ke dalam blender
- Blender semua bahan (aku gunakan yg chopper agar tidak terlalu halus) tapi itu tergantung selera bisa jg diblender halus.
- Setelah semua bahan diblender sesuai selera, masukka Baceman Bawang Putih ke dalam wadah yg bersih dan kering, tutup dan simpan ditempat yg bersuhu ruang

Notes :

Gunakan sendok yang bersih setiap kali menyendok/mengambil Baceman Bawang Putih agar tahan lama.

====Selamat Mencoba====

English sub :

Fermented Garlic | Easy and practical

Equipments/tools :

Mortal & pestle
Glass jars

Material :
250 gr Garlic
8 grains of candlenut
5 tbsp sesame oil + 250 ml cooking oil, mixed in a container


- Wash the garlic and candlenut, then dry (totally dry)
- Puree with a mortar or pestle or if you want you can directly blend it
- Add the candlenut that has been mashed first with a pestle, then add the garlic and pour the mix sesame oil and vegetable oil into the blender
- Blend all the ingredients (I use a chopper so the garlic is not too smooth) but it depends on taste you can also blend it finely.
- After all the ingredients are blended according to taste, put the mixture into a clean and dry container, cover and store in a room temperature


Use a clean spoon every time you scoop/take the Fermented Garlic to make it last longer.

====Good luck====


FoodIndonesiaIndonesian food

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