Re-typing My 1983 Game Programming Inspiration

Re-typing My 1983 Game Programming Inspiration

In 1983 I got my first computer: a Timex/Sinclair 1000, which is the North American version of the Sinclair ZX-81. There were no game cartridges or disks for it, and I didn't even have the ability to use cassette tapes with it. There was only one way I was going to have any games on it: type them in myself in BASIC. I got a book called "101 Timex 1000 / Sinclair ZX-81 Programming Tips & Tricks" and even though it wasn't a game program itself, it contained many of the fundamental concepts I needed to continue game design.

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End credits music is "Programmed For Hours" from the album "Place Without A Computer" by Bedford Level Experiment:

0:00 My first computer & TV
2:01 Typing in the "Drawing Sketches"
8:20 Running the program
10:13 Why this program mattered to me
11:35 Modifying the program
14:45 Debugging & RUNning again
17:13 Nostalgic or terrible?
18:10 Thanks!


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