by such such underneath undersea witches Susheetola Manika ShikhIka Mamun Maneesh Gauree ghosh Tumun Tushito Tukhayee etc who were to try to kill me mine brother country rest mine Gurujee's religious school sage hood-man made – scientific witchcraft – sea-watery witchcraft – undersea base disturbing – underneath attacking- Cardiac arrest –underneath man play –undersea man play - warming after immediate cooling - suffocation creation – sudden death – weight feeling – mind aberration - wind direction change –sudden - wind flow chocking– man made efforts - underneath man made human killing - blaming of co2 not extendable – co2 not for cooling warming - humanity annihilators – covid-19 corona -same time be warming or cooling not permanent not every where at same latitude - alien object moving mine meditative hermitage underneath view catching in CCTV camera – many time memory blocking sudden – even of recently done works memorizing inability past deed memorize blocking as if some one to help to give clue from underneath sudden – to tell memorize this time now – focal strata focal plane changing – throwing dense gaseous black matter or dark light for extra dark-ness creation – throwing red aura – or green aura or yellow aura throwing – brown in vagina showing - all remaining in front but unable to search out thing item as if over -looking this thing - premature death causing – Many many suicide doing who not blue whale game players not after doing quarreling misunderstanding or humiliation – what changes coming to impose upon me or other animal humans to make abusive aggressive error type erratic mis behavior – anguish creation in other who to remain with without cause - causing error in normal people behavior as man made creation influences from strong underneath undersea medium base watery witchcraft capacity - mind mes-merization - memory blocking - sudden compulsion to go toilet urinal fro urination – those again like at twelve for all – or at four AM - body parts being or on making non functional – making paralyzed twisting etc as man made from underneath – all . premature death felt learnt by me through third eyes as man made as killing being made – animal or man not dying but being killed – or life ( souls) being snatched out – being trapped in dense magnetic field causing suffocation respiratory failure cardiac arresting for permanent manner - underneath man made mechanically killing of normal healthy almost all death – normal chest brain belly kidney liver heart having people been collapsed in mild corona or other dengue etc infections – always death in corona infection positive if taken or counted claimed as corona severity virulence lethalness increased in general manner claiming be fake wrong error suppressing of facts underneath attacking Targeting base killing - when many many being killed by man made from underneath attacking where no body be said safe then how & when sudden astonishing manner dying from mild corona infected to die due to corona virus - thus why question doubts claims so many many for puzzling death happening no doctors except me learned such happening as underneath man made killing - co- morbidity blaming for other organs failure sudden Not reported learned ) be appropriate - sudden death why doctors not blamed kidney will be failure soon co-morbidity accounting of such cases be real one not mechanically killing be taken as many relative friendships family members lamenting blaming doctors for such sudden death not knowing death as due to attacked from underneath related - sudden abnormal death happening in India also - sudden abnormally dying happening of patients’ family members becoming so ill fated depressed dishearten lamenting & lamenting blaming government doctors etc or not able to admitted patients to hospital when those been targeted to be killed from underneath those efforts till