It seems that I got too close to my phone mic a few times and that made the audio a little weird - so sorry about that!! I didn't want to re-film as I had already tried to film this video a few times.
A few things to note:
You do NOT need this may warmers in your home. I am well aware this excessive but if it makes you happy - then I say go for it!
At any given time I have a total of 8 warmers in my open concept area warming wax (and that is the maximum that I use at one time because 1 Scentsy bar = 8 cubes)
Almost all of the decor in this video is either from HomeGoods or Target.
I change up my warmers often, this is what I have for the time being but no promises it will be the same for an extended period of time!!
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I hope you enjoyed this video...
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Thanks everyone SO MUCH for watching, commenting & subscribing.
REMEMBER - Scent is highly subjective and these are my personal thoughts on these scents. Scents are best to be experienced personally! Let me know if you need samples.
**For inquiries please email or DM me on Instagram @thatscentedchic