Introduction Of Some Scientific Research Of Scientist.

Introduction Of Some Scientific Research Of Scientist.

The word ‘Pathology’ is derived from two Greek words—pathos

(meaning suffering) and logos (meaning study). Pathology is,

thus, scientific study of changes in the structure and function

of the body in disease. In other words, pathology consists of the

abnormalities in normal anatomy (including histology) and

normal physiology owing to disease. Another commonly used

term with reference to study of diseases is ‘pathophysiology’

(patho=suffering, physiology=study of normal function).

Pathophysiology, thus, includes study of disordered function

(i.e. physiological changes) and breakdown of homeostasis in

diseases (i.e. biochemical changes). Pathologists contribute in

patient management by providing final diagnosis of disease.

Therefore, knowledge and understanding of pathology is

essential for all would-be doctors, as well as general medical

practitioners and specialists because unless they have

knowledge and understanding of the language in the form

of pathology laboratory reports, they would not be able to

institute appropriate treatment or suggest preventive measures

to the patient.

Karl Landsteiner#Rudolf Virchow #Hippocrates#

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