Who were the most advanced species in Star Wars? Part 4 - The Gree
The Gree were an extremely advanced race, who like many of the species in this series, reached the peak of their power around 100,000 years before the events of the clone wars. They invented instantianeous forms of travel known as Infinite gates as well as advanced genetic engineering. They could also visit other dimensions and unlike most other civilizations in Star wars actually produced advanced artificial intelligence. Despite this, they would eventually become enslaved by the celestials, becoming a client race. When the celestials left the galaxy, the Gree would soon find themselves in conflict with the infinite empire,the Kwa as well a large saurian species. These conflicts would cause so much strife that the being known as Abeltoth would escape from her confines within the Maw. Ancient carvings show the Gree sacrificing members of the saurian race to Abeloth. Much of their technology wojld be reverse engineered by the younger species in the galaxy, whole some was lost to history. By the time of the Clone Wars the Gree had forgotten how to use most of their technology and were mostly relegated to caretakers of their ancient wonders.