Dave Rubin Is 'Just Asking' If You Forgot How Dumb He Really Is

Dave Rubin Is 'Just Asking' If You Forgot How Dumb He Really Is

On @The Rubin Report, Dave Rubin asks the questions no one else wants to ask, like; if Covid was so bad, then why didn't an entire city in Africa die off? Sam Seder and the Majority Report crew discuss this.

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SAM SEDER: Dave Rubin must get the talking points delayed because what Dave doesn't seem to understand is that we are past the Covid denial. We're into the mass vaccine denial sort of, right? Or aren't we into the Delta variant denial? Here is Dave Rubin with some deep thoughts about COvid.
Emma Vigeland: He's just throwing things out there.
Dave Rubin: None of it makes sense. Why is it that not one country somewhere, perhaps in Africa, that didn't have the technology or the wherewithal or the information to deal with this thing properly, why did not one country fail? Why didn't we find one city that was completely infected and everyone died? All of this stuff... I'm just asking questions here, okay. I don't mean to be a crazy Right-wing conspiracy theorist when I say all this. I'm just asking the questions, but we didn't...
Matt Lech: Dave Rubin, you can find like seven, eight months ago, he was literally doing these live streams where he'd be walking past the hospital and be like, "Look, doesn't that hospital's parking lot look suspiciously empty during the pandemic."
He is just an idiot conspiracy theorist.
Emma Vigeland: It's almost like, Dave: Covid doesn't have an 100 percent death rate.
Sam Seder: Well that's one of the things about Covid, is it does not have a 100 percent death rate. There's also... the fact of the matter is that there's just not as much travel between cities, not as extensive. But the idea that everybody would die, and frankly one of the things that we're seeing is in this country — he doesn't have to travel all the way to Africa to find this out — is that you look what's happening in states like Mississippi and Tennessee.
Emma Vigeland: Take what happened in India!
Sam Seder: Well in India, but i'm saying right now in this country, you're watching states that are vaccination rates below 40 percent are having massive explosions of Covid, and Missouri, Arkansas... and it's not happening in other parts of the country. It's conceivable and part of the reason why we want to be able to get the vaccine to places like the continent of Africa. Cities in Africa
Emma Vigeland: "The city of Africa."
Sam Seder: "The city of Africa." Is because ultimately the variants and the Covid will ultimately end up there. It's conceivable that the folks are wearing masks, and then you're in less dense areas and maybe it's... but at one point it could be a problem.
Matt Lech: He's really speaking for the type of idiot that listens to Rubin every day that wonders, like, "Oh, we're the greatest country in the world." They're so on the American Exceptionalism thing that that's an actual interesting question for them.
Sam Seder: In terms of practices pre-vaccination, they actually have the wherewithal in these countries to...
Matt Lech: Africa's dealt with some public health issues.
Sam Seder: Occasionally. It's happened. Yeah.
Emma Vigeland: It's amazing to me though that he has a subscriber base and there are people that are like, "I need to pay for that kind of content."
Sam Seder: On some level, you do need to pay if you want to bathe yourself in that type of ignorance you need to...
Emma Vigeland: Well you pay in more ways than one.
Sam Seder: You need to stake out a certain area and stay there. Because otherwise, if you go out, somebody's going to say, "Hey, why you keep calling it the Genocide Olympics?"

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