Judge Cannon 'Accidentally' Leaks Information To Boost Trump's Fight Against DOJ

Judge Cannon 'Accidentally' Leaks Information To Boost Trump's Fight Against DOJ

Donald Trump has been claiming for two months that private medical documents were seized during the FBI's trip to Mar-a-Lago, and Judge Aileen Cannon helped Trump make that claim this week when the court "accidentally" posted a sealed filing from the DOJ in the public record saying they had medical records. But the records were about to be returned, and they weren't even about his actual health! Nevertheless, this move makes Trump look better, and it is hard to think that the court didn't do this on purpose, as Farron Cousins explains.

Link - https://www.thedailybeast.com/court-screwup-reveals-judge-aileen-cannons-latest-legal-absurdity-in-trump-case

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You know, at this point I do think that, uh, the Trump appointed judge, Eileen Cannon, who of course has given Trump everything he wants in the ongoing documents investigation, I think she's in a competition with herself to see how many horrible things she can do before there's like nationwide calls for her impeachment. Because this week what happened was that Judge Cannon's court, we can't say it was Judge Cannon herself, but her court took a sealed filing from the DOJ and, uh, oops, accidentally posted it live online on their docket, a sealed document that the public was not supposed to see whatsoever miraculously gets posted online for the public. Hmm, weird right? Now, I'll admit things like that do occasionally happen because you have careless and stupid people that work in these positions that accidentally do things. Maybe they're new, maybe they're dumb, who knows? Or maybe this was intentional to try to make the DOJ look bad, because what was in that sealed filing from August 30th was a note from the DOJ saying, we have identified through the taint team several medical records of former President Donald J. Trump that we would like to return to him because those are not our business.

We don't need them. We do not want them. Please take them back. Now, as we all know, also, ever since this whole thing happened when the FBI went down to Mar Lago on August 6th, Donald Trump has claimed they took my medical records and he's made several other, like really outlandish claims. So by publishing this sealed information to the public, what it does is it makes it seem like Donald Trump is clearly telling the truth. So if he's telling the truth about the medical records, he must be telling the truth about all these other things. And I believe Judge Cannon knew that, because here's the thing, they weren't actually medical records. Some of them were handwritten things from Donald Trump, and one of them was a document that he released to the public in 2016 from his doctor. Again, another handwritten note saying, Trump's the healthiest person to ever run for president.

So they weren't actual medical records, right? It's not like they pulled his records from his recent visit to the Minute Clinic and said, Oh, look, it, his clusters this level, his, his heart rate is this. No, no, no. It was the note that was already released public in 20 16, 6 years ago by Donald Trump from his idiot doctor who said, Yeah, he is the healthiest person on the planet. So the public already knew it existed, so they weren't real medical records. But by putting that docket, by putting not the docket, putting that, uh, uh, filing public on the docket

Makes Republicans think that, yeah, they took his medical records. You can't convince me, and this is my opinion, I'm not accusing anybody of anything, but in my opinion, I think Judge Cannon knew this. I think she knew this was going to happen. Now, again, pure speculation on my part, maybe she had no idea. We don't know. We probably will never know unless there's a whistleblower in that court who comes forward and says, I was told to make this public. If we don't ever get that, we will never know what actually happened behind the scenes. But given the amount of times that Judge Cannon has bent over backwards, twisting the law in ways that are just completely unnatural in order to protect Donald Trump, and now suddenly this happens, that makes it look like he's telling the truth. But when you actually look at it, clearly he's not.

But we know Republicans aren't gonna look at it. We know most people aren't gonna look at it and see what was actually in there. And I personally believe that Judge Cannon knew that and understood it, and I believe that's why it happened. I wish we would have a whistleblower come forward to confirm or deny that, because I want to know the truth, even if I'm totally wrong, I still want to know that I'm wrong so I can fix it. But right now, we don't know. All we have is speculation about

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