LIVE SALE - Lots of Fun and Loads of Cool Stuff! Everything Starts at $1!

LIVE SALE - Lots of Fun and Loads of Cool Stuff!  Everything Starts at $1!

LIVE SALE - Lots of Fun and Loads of Cool Stuff! Everything Starts at $1!

Something for everyone this week!

All offers start at $1! No timers, no having to be first! Oh and giveaways! Free Shipping Opportunities!

Come have some fun!

REGISTER TO WIN: Send email to with your YouTube name, your real name and your shipping zip code and that gets you all registered to join in the fun!

Offers start at just $1 on all items! No timers, no stress!

Giveaways too!

See you at 1pm Pacific time!

#Livesale #Vintage #vintageshoppinglive #glass #vintageglass #henonnest #getshopdone #sale #auction #liveauction


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