Hey Chalkers, Becareful what you ask for. My sister has been watching Chunky. She called to tell me how exhausted she is, running up and down with him
Me: I thought you were ready for a grandchild
Sis: me too
Me: why are you complaining
Sis: the little boy don’t sit down and doesn’t take naps
Me: your son never sat down either
Sis: I know, but I’ve been out the game to long
Me: that’s the problem, you think it’s a game! You you need to be preparing yourself for the battle. All the pressure you was putting on Lil man for a baby, and you not ready
Sis: I think I need to give him an extension on the time frame, I’m going to need to get in shape
Me: no, you just tell him straight out, if your child don’t know how to sit down and take naps, your going to have to mama sit me at your house. So you can watch your son run up and down with his kid! When you get bored of watching, take a nap!
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