MZ/IB Archive - Truth Series - What is "Especially Salvation?"

MZ/IB Archive - Truth Series - What is "Especially Salvation?"

If God is called the Savior of all humanity, mustn't He save all humanity? One would think. "God is the Savior of all humanity, especially of believers" (1 Timothy 4:10). It is the "especially" part of this verse that wrecks the fantasy of those who want to say that God is the Savior EXCLUSIVELY of believers, and that the rest go to hell for eternity. The only way that either eternal torment or eternal death could be true (considering only this verse), is if this verse said "exclusively" instead of "especially," because the "especially" in fact proves that the "all humanity" are saved.

If I show favor to my entire family, but especially to my firstborn son, am I not showing favor to my entire family? Of course I am. I just said that I was.

In 1 Timothy 4:10, God just said that He is the Savior of all humanity. That this salvation is real rather than potential is proven by the "especially of believers." Even Christians have to admit that they are saved. That this is so proves that the "all humanity" are also saved. The common denominator here are "members of humanity who are saved." Of these, there are two categories: 1) believers, 2) everyone else.

"Especially," then, does not exclude the "all humanity" from salvation. Rather, it gives the "especially" saved something more than the generally saved.

Are those who are "generally saved" not saved? It's a rhetorical question.

Rodney Paris has put moody video to an audio that makes ME moody when I think of how many billions of so-called God-lovers refuse to believe His plainest statements. (1 Timothy 4:10 is one of His plainest statements.) Are they then truly God-lovers? No. This makes them God-doubters. How did they become this way? The Christian religion makes them selfish.

The Christian religion insists that the members of its cult are their own saviors. Those who refuse the call to become their own saviors ("turn or burn") are said to be damned for eternity. Why would anyone be damned for eternity? For not voluntarily turning to Christ. This makes the turners into self-congratulatory entities, i.e., selfish people. But they somehow confuse themselves with spiritual people.

Enjoy this audio recorded 27 years ago in Ohio. This is basic truth. The truth presented here is not complicated. It is "Salvation 101." Thus, this is a good video to send to those you know who are honestly seeking the will of God. And here is the will of God: "God wills for all humanity to be saved and to come to a realization of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4).

Yours from the peninsula,


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