How did Beijing dig a massive hole for itself? And why Australia could shrug off China...

How did Beijing dig a massive hole for itself? And why Australia could shrug off China...

A series of political disputes have strained the relationship between China and Australia. This relationship has further deteriorated with the establishment of AUKUS, a new alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US.
It has been more than a year since China began imposing tariffs, bonds, and other punitive measures against different imports from Australia, attempting to hurt its economy and force its concessions.
However, when we look at the trade numbers between the two countries in the past year, we find that the CCP itself almost entirely swallows the bitter consequences of its crackdown on Australia. Therefore, some commentators have said that the CCP has perfectly illustrated the act of shooting oneself in the foot.

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ChinaBeijingXi Jingping

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