An Opportunity to Examine! How to Examine?

An Opportunity to Examine! How to Examine?

Message Title: An opportunity to Examine & How am I to Examine?
Date: September 18, 2021
1. Lets us examine our own selves!
2. On what basis would the Judgement be?
3. Judgement to the Devil and his followers
4. Judgement to the disrupted and disgusting state of lives!
If we are unable to realize that we are judging others, then we are missing on an opportunity to come out of sins.
When we are having the fear of GOD while listening to the word of GOD, that means we are in the right way of receiving the word. If we do not have the fear that means we will never hesitate to do wrong.
We should examine ourselves and realize our mistakes; when we realize our mistakes, we should accept but not cover up ourselves.
Today you have reminded us once again LORD to check ourselves and examine the reasons that we are leading ourselves into your judgement. This is the time to redeem means its about examining ourselves and having introspection about the way our thoughts are, the words are, the behavior is! Every act of ours will get into judgement, hence what we need to realize is how are our actions and how are we living?
Judgement would be based on the word that is coming to us and what it is talking to each one of us. That word will come and examine us and tell us how to live and when we don’t live according to what the word is saying that is when we will get into judgement. Preaching without practicing also will lead us into judgement. Telling others is easy, but we need to do what we are telling otherwise we are going to represent the devil which also speak the word but does not do the word.
Because of the way we behave, we will become representatives of the devil and not of the Father who gave us a life. Judgement has already come upon the devil and so has the judgement come upon us as well but GOD because of HIS LOVE is giving us time to realize and repent. Come back so that we don’t stand in front of the white throne.
Our past lives have all fallen into judgement because of our sinful acts; things which we did not know were wrong we have done; things which we have done without knowing they are against GOD and the word of GOD will lead us into judgement.

Baruch Adonai Ministries

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