Jyoti Mishra has 9+ years of extensive experience in leading software projects as a test engineer.Her current mission is to master DevOps & be an AWS certified architect by mid of next year.
She is passionate about teaching and loves to share her knowledge with the community.
About this Webinar
In this session we will do a deep dive on below topics:
- Difference between Amazon EBS-backed AMI and Amazon instance store-backed AMI
- Image vs Snapshot
- Create an AMI from an instance using the console
- Copy AMI from one region to another
- Copy AMI across account
- Setup Jenkins on EC2 instance
- AWS CodeCommit and EC2 instance
Followed by lab on how to connect to EC2 instance using key and some basic EC2 CLI commands.
We will also see how we can launch Jenkins using EC2 instance.
Connect with Jyoti on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jyoti-mis...
This video is powered by Moolya Software Testing (https://moolya.com) and Bugasura(https://bugasura.io)