I'm 37 and I'm happy. But it was not always like that. In this video, I talked about 5 things that would allow me to grow faster if I knew them in my 20s. If feeling behind in life watch this video. I hope it will save you a few years.
📌TOP 3 Insights after I QUIT Corporate JOB and started BUSINESS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22xVGupo_W0
📌Why I Moved to SINGAPORE from EUROPE and NEVER going back:
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If I met myself in my early 20s, I would ask myself to tweak a couple of things. So let me share with you what I would tell.
- Don't go to university. Or at least finish at the bachelor's, no need to do masters on top.
I graduated as an engineer in electrics and mechanics. I spent freaking 5,5 years getting knowledge, 95% of which I never used in my life after it. I wish I were more conscious when choosing my life path after high school. I could do a gap year traveling, exploring different life choices, and obtaining more useful real-life experiences.
Or I could spend these 5,5 years trying to do my first business or getting an apprentice job with someone I respect in a field that is interesting for me. These 5.5 years of real experience would give me a huge boost in my professional career and make me more mature much faster!
- Learn personal finance as early as possible.
My parents are great intelligent people, but they never taught me about money. My dad was a military surgeon, not a businessman. For most of his life, he worked during the Soviet Union era. So when I became older myself, I should have learned about personal finance more. It was my responsibility to figure out how to do budgeting, savings, and investments. If I did so, I wouldn't be in debt from time to time, borrowing money from my friend.
At the time of my 20s, there were good books about personal finance, for example, The Richest Man in Babylon. It's very basic but great for beginners. And now it's much easier to find the right info; on YouTube, there are plenty of great channels like Graham Stephan or Andrei Jikh.
- Always Look for your passion.
First few years of my career, I was doing work that I didn't really like. At the same time, I was passionate about the film industry. If I could go back, I would definitely focus more on my passion and find ways to develop this into at least some side project.
The truth of life is... It's never gonna be the perfect moment to start following your dreams! You always start in not the ideal conditions with the lack of money, lack of time, lack of support, so you should use as many resources as you have at this.
- Build a network of people in the niche you want to grow in.
Another thing which I would do differently is to be more cautious about the people I'm surrounded with. When I was younger, I didn't think much about who I want to spend time with, what kind of friends I wanted to have, and in which area I wanted to grow my professional network. But this is critical - people are around us affect us a lot! Even if we don't realize it.
Until I think 27-28 years old, my social circle consisted of mostly engineers and corporate job guys. But if I started to look for people in filmmaking or entrepreneurs, I'm sure I would switch to my present career much earlier! And don't get me wrong - its nothing bad about having engineering or corporate friends! I still have many of them in my life. I love them, and we spent so many great moments together. After all we are friends!
But to grow professionally, you also have to surround yourself with people from the industry you want to be in!
- Build the right habits instead of overplanning your goals in life.
This one is not very obvious. As you often hear: dream big, set ambitious goals, and go for them. Yes, it is important, but we are often lost on the way not because our desires are not set but because we did not develop the right set of everyday habits.
And I made this mistake as well when I was in my 20ss.
Ok, now it's time for my confession. I lied to you. I don't regret anything. What happened before is already in the past. And I prefer to think about the future. After all, life is a long road anyway.
Hey! I'm Max. This channel is for those who like to know more about life in Singapore, social media marketing trends globally, and to hear the stories of lifestyle business owners from all over the world. Two videos per week – Monday and Thursday 5 pm Singapore time. Enjoy! 😘
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