Coding time! So i'm a huge followe when it comes to Halloween Horror Nights. An event Universal Studios holds every year where they set up awesome haunted houses to scare the living daylights out of you!!! they normally also have Scare Icons who they base the whole event around and that leads to me to todays mission.
Me and my mates want a website that we can write markdown files for the major villans origin stories and easily turn them into web pages. Hmm... this looks like a job for eleventyjs. Watch how fast we can use a template and eleventyjs to convert markdown to a static website and then upload to Azure.
Description snippets are taken from
Many props to the site and the creators highly recommend it if you want to get the downlow on all things halloween horror nights.
- Ensure you have the starter files for the project, found at my github
- Make sure to do an npm install to resolve the missing packages
- Nodejs should be installed
Connect with me on:
Software versions :
- Visual studio code 1.60.1 (universal)
- Node JS 16.5.0
- npx 7.19.1
- @11ty/eleventy 0.12.1
- @11ty/eleventy-navigation 0.3.2
- clean-css 5.1.5