I m Nughman Haider
Dental technician
Work at government hospital
And 2nd time jobs on dental laboratory
I will try to easy method of lab procedures share with friends.
....... #RemovableBraces#.........
__What are removeable retainer?
As the name implies, removable retainers are retainers that can be removed when you want to eat, brush your teeth, or floss. Hawley retainers feature a plastic base shaped to fit the roof of your mouth and a strong wire that wraps around your teeth to hold them in place.
....... #Headgearretainer#...........
__How long do removeable retainer last?
On average, removable retainers tend to last for about 5-10 years, while permanent retainers can potentially last for decades. The lifespan of retainers also depends on the following factors: The amount of stress. The metal wire is put under pressure while chewing.
..... #Braces#.......
.............. #HeadgearBraces#.........
....... #DentalArt#.......
........... #DentalArtByHaider#..........
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