Interview with Distinguished Professor, Thane Rosenbaum, on the politicization of the ADL, whose original mission was to combat antisemitism, yet today finds itself as a leader in advancing the agendas of progressive groups and the Democrats, while ignoring the sharp rise in Palestinianist and left-wing inspired antisemitism.
As we just finished Aseres Y’mei T’shuva, the 10 Days of Repentance, the period of time when our Rabbi’s and teachers emphasize that it’s a time to better ourselves while asking forgiveness from those we may have harmed over the past year. The CEO of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt – who reportedly earns $700,000 a year to do ONE JOB – expose and combat antisemitism, THIS year, took it upon himself to re-define T’shuva. He didn’t ask his fellow Jews for forgiveness, this year he chose to ask for forgiveness from the Muslim community because in 2010, then ADL CEO, Abe Foxman, stood in opposition to building an Islamic Center and Mosque in the shadows of Ground Zero out of sensitivity to the families and victims of 9/11.
Professor Thane Rosenbaum, who in 2010, wrote a column, titled; 'Ground Zero Mosque and the Freedom From Pain', where he stood with the Abe Foxman, who while supporting the rights of Muslims to build Mosques, stood with the families of 9/11 who viewed Ground Zero as hallowed ground.
During the interview, Professor Rosenbaum discussed the history of the ADL, why it was initially started – to combat antisemitism – but has morphed into a political machine closely aligned with progressive parties and organizations, abdicating it’s original mandate, and leaving Jews in America vulnerable to attacks.
Professor Rosenbaum is the Distinguished University Professor at Touro College
Creative Director, Forum on Life, Culture & Society ("FOLCS")
Legal Analyst, CBS News Radio, Columnist, Jewish Journal of Los Angeles
Contributor, Newsmax, Legal and Middle East Analyst
Contributing Writer, White Rose Magazine