Allies, Enemies, and the Homefront Part 2: The National Security Implications of Antitrust

Allies, Enemies, and the Homefront Part 2: The National Security Implications of Antitrust

On Thursday, September 23, as part of NSI’s Tech Innovation and American National Security project, NSI hosted the second panel of a four-part series examining the national security implications of antitrust challenges at home and abroad. This second event took a look at how U.S.-allied governments are addressing antitrust questions related to the tech industry as well as the implications of such efforts for American and allied national security.

Our panel features Dr. Roslyn Layton, Professor Jan Rybnicek, and Dr. Hal Singer, and was moderated by NSI Founder and Executive Director, Jamil N. Jaffer.

European governments, including Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Ireland, are increasingly raising antitrust challenges against U.S. tech companies causing friction between our nations and potentially undermining our collective national security posture, particularly relative to key nation-state competitors like China. This event examined how European nation-states, in exercising their own regulatory authorities to regulate, dissolve, and monitor companies, are moving forward with laws targeting American companies, as well as how these new regulations potentially impact these companies as well as their impact on American and allied national security. The panel also explored the critical role that U.S. and U.S. allied joint bodies, as well as tech industry, can play in promoting a democratic value-based global digital ecosystem to counter digital authoritarianism and the importance for allied national security of maintaining relative unity amongst the allies on innovation policy.


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