14 Bad Habits Making You Fat Whilst You Sleep

14 Bad Habits Making You Fat Whilst You Sleep

#SleepWeightGain #EverydayHabits

Have you ever felt fatter in some days? Have you ever tried looking at yourself in the mirror early in the morning and noticed that you’ve gained weight for no apparent reason? Do not be alarmed as this happens from time to time and we will explain why this happens in a short while.

With that out of the way, here are 13 Reasons Why You are Gaining Fat in your Sleep.

Number 1. Higher than usual sodium intake.
Sodium has a profound effect on your body weight, especially on your water weight. When your intake of sodium is higher than usual, your body may retain more water. .

Number 2. Higher than usual water intake.
We’ve mentioned previously that you need to drink water to prevent water retention.

Number 3. Higher than usual carb intake.
By now we could say that changes in our diet would affect how our weight would fluctuate which brings us to our third item, carb intake.

Number 4. Higher than usual fibre intake.
Dietary fibres can help you control your appetite. That is because they would turn into a gel-like material that slows down stomach emptying when consumed and prevents blood sugar spikes.

Number 5. Eating Late at Night.
Are you a fan of late-night snacks? Maybe you should start avoiding them. Studies have shown that eating late may lead to both permanent and temporary weight gain.

Number 6. Sleep Deprivation.
Sleep deprivation is not solely the lack of sleeping hours. It includes getting enough sleeping hours but failing on the quality of your sleep.

Number 7. Constipation.
As mentioned previously, the weight of the contents of your gut contributes to your overall body weight. With that said, if you are having difficulties moving your bowels, you may experience an increase in weight.

Number 8. Working out too hard.
Doing muscle-building exercises is highly recommended for those who are looking to lose or maintain weight. There are times that you may push your body too hard that you would create a lot of microscopic tears in your muscle cells.

Number 9. Weekends make us fatter temporarily.
There are several studies that focus on our weight fluctuations throughout the week. In this study, researchers noticed a trend wherein people’s weights tended to go up in the morning after the weekends.

Number 10. Eating meals later than usual.
Besides eating late-night snacks, eating meals later than your usual meal times may cause temporary weight gain the morning after.

Number 11. Hormonal changes brought about by your coming period.
Women go through a lot of hormonal changes. Unfortunately, the hormonal changes that women would experience during periods would cause their bodies to retain water. This water retention would cause weight gain and would also make the person look puffy.

Number 12. Switching to intermittent fasting.
There are several studies that support intermittent fasting as an effective weight loss diet.

Number 13. New Maintenance Medication.
Depending on the drug, side effects may include temporary or permanent weight gain. There are certain medications which may upregulate the release of hunger hormones which could increase your appetite and food intake leading to weight gain.

Number 14. Insufficient or Lack of Physical activity.
The recommended level of physical activity per week is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity. Failing to follow this recommendation may lead to both permanent and temporary weight gain.

When you have sufficient physical activity, your body would use up your energy stores to repair damaged cells, build up new muscles, and engage processes that allow the body to replenish itself. These processes happen when you sleep. If you lack physical activities, the calories that you would partake through your food would be stored as fat. This process would lead to an upward fluctuation of your body weight. This process could also increase your weight permanently.

This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you watch in this video. We strive for 100% accuracy, but errors may occur, and medications, protocols, and treatment methods may change over time.

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