Guided meditation: How to Take Decisions
What kind of compass can we use to know what is right or wrong?
In our modern life we have so many decisions to take. Whether they are big and important choices about directions to take in your life, or whether they are small and seemingly insignificant decisions, we still need to know how to navigate through these moments. When we don’t take our thoughts so seriously then weighing up pros and cons doesn’t help so much. What kind of compass can we use to know what is right or wrong?
“It is from this rest that, resting in Presence, that we can actually sense if there might be a direction for this human to go. If there might be a sense of where this energy is moving or wanting to move in this way or that . .
There maybe nothing right now but this is always the place you can feel into, the sense of energy moving the next step into the unknown. And sometimes there is no direction. Sometimes we just need to fall into nothing now.
Even if the mind wants to know; ‘Which way to go?’, ‘What should I do?’And there is no answer intellectually/mentally, there is no answer also energetically, no movement of energy. Just nothing. Just This experience now. So we don’t move. We feel perhaps the discomfort that might arise in ‘not knowing’, in not filling the gap, not having the answer but staying here with this discomfort, this ‘not knowing’.”
Excerpt from: Weekly Webinar with Unmani
22nd June 2021 'How to Take Decisions''
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Music: 'Let if Fall Apart' - Robert Hanuman