Influence and The Art of Scarcity

Influence and The Art of Scarcity

The fear of loss is more powerful than the fear of gain.

If you can communicate this when you are attempting to persuade or influence somebody, then this creates an urgency for them to purchase your product, service, or buy-in to your idea. This encourages them to act now through the fear of missing out.

The idea of scarcity is pervasive in all parts of our lives, and for me personally, I know eBay plays the scarcity card beautifully well. If you are anything like me and have had an item on your eBay watch list for the last few days, when it comes to the last few moments and a flurry of bids come in, your heart starts racing for the fear that you will miss out. This is accompanied by the excitement that you could win, too. When you place your bid, you mentally trick yourself into thinking the item is yours, and the more bids that come in, the more you desire it and fear you are going to miss out on it.

Duncan Stevens is a professional keynote speaker who helps companies, brands, teams and leaders become more persuasive and increase their effectiveness through what they say and how they act.

#influence #persuasion #scarcity


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