If you’ll look at the Pacific Ocean from space, you’ll notice two weird things. First, a strangely big hole right in the middle of the ocean, and second, a surprisingly long chain of islands. None of them are Photoshop or a glitch. Instead, it's the result of a long period of geological activity that answers the question of how Hawaii was born. I’ll talk about it more in this video.
Check out other videos from this series:
0:00 — Cold open
0:34 — How Hawaii was formed?
3:03 — Afterwords
3:43 — End credits
Text me: itstheshevtsov@gmail.com
Business inquiries: sheorig@outlook.com
Directed by Valentin Shevtsov.
© Shevtsov Originals, 2021.
#hawaii #history #learning
hawaiihow hawaii was formedhawaii history