Your bedroom is your asset, so you should be able to use it in a way that best suits your needs. You could rent the room and receive cash. But did you know that The Room Xchange offers a unique option called rent offset which allows you to offset your rent by requesting additional help around the house. For example, a housemate could help you with home organising, running some errands or even completing some basic admin tasks for your business. Just simple things that would help take some of the pressure off.
Our rent offset calculator can help you work out a rent offset that ideal for you.
Let me demonstrate… let’s say the rent value is $150 a week. I need 4 hours of general errands a week. I would expect to pay $25 an hour for this type of help. You can see here that the calculator works out the value of your offset. In this case, you would receive $50 a week in rent. Over a period of 3 months, you get 48 hours of help and receive $600 in rent.
If you want to include utilities in the calculation, click the ‘rent and utilities’ button and go through the same process.
Once it’s calculated, add the rent offset offer in your profile and housemates who are looking for an offer like yours will start to connect with you.