Car debadging is very popular here in southern California.
Once you remove old car emblems you can have a clean canvass to work with.
In this car emblem removal video, the Expert at Auto Fetish Detail doesn't stop with a traditional car emblem removal, but installs new car badges for a "face lift" to this 2011 Porsche Carrera.
If you live in the southern California area and want the expertise that can only be had from 30+ years of professional experience, then reach out to Auto Fetish Detail.
Auto Fetish Detail:
Are you out of our service area and looking to debadge your car or truck yourself, then use the links below to get the same products Darren uses professionally:
3M Stripe Off Wheel:
Rapid Remover Adhesive Remover:
Ceram-X Car Polish:
40 lb. Test Fishing Line:
#carbadgeremoval #caremblemdelete #porschecaremblemremoval