My friend and I were going grocery shopping this afternoon and we encountered this. For anyone thinking, “Oh, it’s just one item!” the thing is stores lose money on any item wasted, and an untold amount of people causing an untold number of items to spoil by improperly placing them will cost an untold amount of money which will come out of the workers’ paychecks (to say nothing of time workers have to spend cleaning up messes that could have been prevented). Causing an unwanted item to spoil and be wasted isn’t “sticking it to the man”; it’s sticking it to workers just trying to earn a living.
In case anyone wants to justify this by saying maybe the person had mobility issues, let me note that I have relatives with mobility issues and they don’t do this. They return the item to its rightful place, have a more able-bodied relative return it to its rightful place, or bring it to check-out with their groceries and say, “I’m sorry, but I’m not getting this after all, so it needs to be returned.” (A worker will have to return it, but at least the item can still be sold then and doesn’t end up wasted)