Are The Majority Of Republicans Detached From Reality?

Are The Majority Of Republicans Detached From Reality?

Just a reminder... I am not at all a supporting fan of TYT. They just happen to do a video on the outlandish lies being told by all the grifters... Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Mel K, Patriot Streetfighter, Gene Decode, and the list goes on and on.

TYT just happens to be reporting facts that I myself have been saying all the while

Mike Lindell one of the Top Disinformation Agents And There Are Many More, Who Continually Push This False Narrative That This So Called "ALLIANCE" Is Coming To Save The World From It's Current Evil "THE DEEP STATE" And That Donald Trump Will Be Re-Seated As President Of The United States Once Again, And NESARA is Going To Bring Utopia To The World by Forgiving All Debts

republiansmike lindelldeep state

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