The ordinary solid ball you used most of them are made of iron ball, and it was filled with stone powder or sand, so actually it is not very heavy at all.
and the chrome plating will be woren out after you used for sometime,.
But this new model solid ball, it was made of 100% stainless steel, so the weight is very heavy than above chrome plating solid ball.
50mm size of stainless steel solid ball, the weight is 1kg/pair;
but 50mm size of chrome plating solid ball, its weight is only 400grams.
And more important, the stainless steel solid ball will not be rusty forever.
Sure, its price is also higher than the ordinary chrome plating solid ball.
So which one do you like?
and will you want to buy one pair of stainless steel solid ball to try?
more our news: www.ballmanufactory.com